Pink Houses
Pictures & Status of the cats from the Pink Houses.
Here are our names and all medical treatments that have been given and release dates (if applicable).
Progress of Love a 4 week tabby received supportive care and will be placed for adoption.
The Swing an 8 week tabby received supportive care and will be placed for adoption.
Soap Bubbles a 4 week black and white tux received supportive care and will be placed for adoption.
Soap Bubbles a 4 week tabby and white received supportive care and will be placed for adoption.
The Pink Panther was neutered, received flea treatment, FVRCP and Rabies vaccines and was microchipped. Will be released ___
Pink Friday was spayed, received flea treatment, FVRCP and Rabies vaccines and was microchipped. Will be released ___
Pink Francois was spayed, received flea treatment, FVRCP and Rabies vaccines and was microchipped. Will be released ___
Pink Paul Frank an 8 week grey tabby received supportive care and will be placed for adoption.